Inspire Broadcasting Network is a Christian broadcast network dedicated to spreading the hope of Jesus Christ around the world (Acts 1:8). Inspire Broadcasting Network started streaming for a few hours per day on social media and is now the world's first ever, fully-digital, Christian broadcasting network streaming 24/7, making history - and we're still making history every day, as we see many lives coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Inspire can be seen on Roku, Amazon Fire, Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, as well as live and on-demand viewing on our website. Apps for Apple and Android are in the works to be released with a few weeks.
We currently have 3 flagship shows; Real Life Today (talk show), Inspiring Stories (testimonies), and In Depth (bible study), with more in development. We also have sermons from multiple churches as well as a few shows shared from other Christian producers.
We see the potential for this to grow into something with a global impact on peoples' lives.
Inspire can be seen on Roku, Amazon Fire, Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, as well as live and on-demand viewing on our website. Apps for Apple and Android are in the works to be released with a few weeks.
We currently have 3 flagship shows; Real Life Today (talk show), Inspiring Stories (testimonies), and In Depth (bible study), with more in development. We also have sermons from multiple churches as well as a few shows shared from other Christian producers.
We see the potential for this to grow into something with a global impact on peoples' lives.